10 Habits to Keep Your Digestion Healthy | Health Awareness | The Nursing Key

 10 Habits to Keep Your Digestion Healthy

1. Brush Your Teeth before Eating - 
When we wake up in the morning, a lot of microbes such as bacteria may be present in Mouth. If we eat anything, these bacteria may enter in our stomach which may lead to some digestive Problems.

2. Eat Salads before Meal -
Remember, Salads are served in our Homes. But we are eating in wrong way. We eat salads after we eat Our Main Course. Actually salads should be eaten before taking foods. Because salads contain high fibres which are helpful in digestion as it improves movement of foods in the digestive tract. So high fibre Diet helps in relieving constipation. Second advantage of eating salads is that it gives a feeling of fullness, so we eat less food which is very helpful in weight reduction.

3. Reduce intake of High Fatty Foods -
Fatty foods are hard to digest and metabolise. when we consume a lot of fatty foods e.g. Oil, Butter, Our Digestive system takes a lot of time to digest these foods, which leads to Bloating, heartburn in some patients. so minimize intake of fatty foods or oily foods.

4. Don't Drink water just after the food intake -
When we consume foods, An acid is secreted in the stomach which helps in digestion of the foods, we also call it Digestive Fire. When we drink water just after food intake, it slows down the Digestive Fire in the stomach which leads to Indigestion. So always dink water 1 Hour after taking food.

5. Always eat foods slowly and chew properly -
There is a center in our brain which tells us that our stomach is full. So it takes some time for brain to decide when our stomach is full. If we eat very fast then brain will take sometime to tell us that our stomach is full, It results in Overeating. So Chew your food properly and eat slowly , so that brain will get appropriate time to tell that our stomach is full.

6. Always eat food on a regular time - 
our brain has a proper schedule of all body functions. if we eat on same time everyday, it helps in proper digestion and also maintains the daily schedule of the brain which results in overall body growth.

7. Do regular exercises -
Do regular workout. A small session of physical exercise helps in overall body wellness. It also helps in proper Digestion.

8. Drink  plenty of  water
Dietary fibers pulls water in the intestine which makes the stool softer and bulkier. It helps in easy passage of stools and relieves Constipation.

9. Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol -
These addictions have a very bad impact on our digestive system. so try to avoid consumption of these bad habits.

10. Take a Balanced Diet -
Add Fibres, Proteins, Carbohydrate, fats, Mineral in a balanced way in the Diet.

Shivam Mandal

Shivam is currently working as a Nursing Officer in AIIMS. The Nursing Key is an Online Teaching Platform which provides access to Latest Vacancy News, Previous Year Paper, Practice Test Series and Image Based Questions related to Nursing.

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