Peritoneal Dialysis

Peritoneal Dialysis

Our kidneys remove excess fluid, toxins from the body. When kidneys stop Functioning, It is very hard for the Body to maintain the Balance of fluids and electrolyte in the body which leads to development of various problems. 

What is Peritoneal Dialysis ?

Dialysis simply means straining the Blood. It works on the same principle as kidneys work. Kidneys filters the blood and removes excess particles in the body. In peritoneal Dialysis, Peritoneum is used as a filter membrane. Peritoneum is a tissue , which lines the abdomen.

When to use Peritoneal Dialysis/ Indiactions ?

When kidneys cannot work efficiently,  Dialysis is recommended. Peritoneal dialysis is used when Hemodialysis cannot be performed. Examples when dialysis is Needed - ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease).

What are possible Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis ?

1.Infections of abdomen
3.High blood sugar
4.Bleeding in the abdomen
5.Blockage of the catheter.

When not to use Peritoneal Dialysis / Contraindiactions ?

1. Uncorrected abdominal wall hernia
2. Pleuroperitoneal shunt
3. Abdominal adhesions

Articles needed for Peritoneal Dialysis ?

1. Cleansing Fluis (e.g. Dextrose 2.5%)
2. P.D Catheter
3. IV Sets
4. Triway
5. Sterile Gloves
6. Plaster/ Adhesive

Insertion of PD Catheter ?

1. First of all a Surgeon Cleans the abdominal area.
2. After that he makes an incision in the belly.
3. After it surgeon inserts PD Catheter in the Incision.

Steps to Perform Peritoneal Dialysis ?

1. Hang the Dialysis Fluid to Pole and connect all the tubings from Dialysis Bag to PD Catheter and From PD Catheter to A Collecting Bag.
2. Start the Infusion of the Dialysis Fluid to PD Catheter. Amount of infusion will be determined according to age of the patient.
3. In he next step, the infused fluid is kept for sometime in the abdomen, this is know as Dwelling. Dwelling Time is around 30-40 mins.
4. After Dwelling has finished, Now it is time to Open the port from PD Catheter to a Collecting Bag. Wait till 30 mL more fluid is collected in the bag than the Infused Fluid. For an example if 300 mL fluid is infused the 330 mL Fluid is expected to be collected in the Bag. 
5. This cycle is repeated as per Doctors Instructions.
Shivam Mandal

Shivam is currently working as a Nursing Officer in AIIMS. The Nursing Key is an Online Teaching Platform which provides access to Latest Vacancy News, Previous Year Paper, Practice Test Series and Image Based Questions related to Nursing.

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