Ego Defense Mechanisms with Examples

 Ego Defense Mechanisms

Ego Defense Mechanisms were introduced by Sigmund Freud in his Psychoanalytical Theory. According to him, a person tries to avoid stress by using these coping mechanisms. But why and how a person uses them ?

According to Sigmund Freud, A person has 3 Personalities i.e. Id, Ego, Superego.

Id- Id refers to childhood desires which does not concern reality. Id wants to fulfill desires. Sometimes these desires are not socially acceptable.

Superego - Superego works on morality principle.

Ego - Ego works on reality principle. It maintains balance between Id and Superego. Ego defends for various problems. 

So this Ego part of our Personality uses some Coping Strategies to deal with day to day life problems, these coping strategies are known as Ego Defense Mechanisms.

Ego Defense Mechanisms-


Subconsciously Forgetting unpleasant desires, feelings.

e.g. A person forgets abuse in child.


2. Suppresion

 Consciously forgetting unpleasant desires, feelings.

e.g. Parents want to forget death of their child.

3. Regression

  In stress situations behaving like child.

  e.g. A grown child starts Bedwetting or Thumb-sucking

4. Sublimation
Converting Socially Unacceptable desires into Acceptable desires.

   e.g. Angry Milkha singh becomes sportsman.

5. Day-Dreaming / Fantasy
   Living in an Unimaginery world where everything is good.

6. Identification
  Identifying with a person / situation

   e.g. A boy speaks like Sunny Deol.


7. Rationalization

    Giving excuses.

    e.g. A student who fails, says syllabus was not completed.


8. Projection

    Projection of one's feeling to someone else.

    e.g. Someone who is cheating, say that his/ her partner is cheating.

9. Displacement

    Redirecting feelings/ emotions from Original subject to less dangerous subject.

    e.g. A person who had a bad day in office, scolds wife for no reason.


10. Denial

     Not accepting stressful events.

     e.g. A person who lost someone in accidents, do not accept this.


11. Compensation

      Improving values in other field.

      e.g. A student who is weak in studies but he is good in sports.


12. Withdrawal

      Pulling away from reality.

 e.g. A person who is afraid of getting failed, does not participate in dance competition.


13. Reaction Formation

   Behaving opposite of what you feel.

  e.g. A person who does not like his colleague , but behaves very friendly with  him.


14. Intellectualization

      High level thinking where person behaves in a cold/ clinical way to avoid stress,

      e.g. A person who diagnosed with cancer, learns about the disease process to

     avoid stress.


15. Humor

    In Condition of stress a person laughs to avoid anxiety or stress.


Shivam Mandal

Shivam is currently working as a Nursing Officer in AIIMS. The Nursing Key is an Online Teaching Platform which provides access to Latest Vacancy News, Previous Year Paper, Practice Test Series and Image Based Questions related to Nursing.

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