Fever / Pyrexia / Types of Fever


Fever or Pyrexia means Increase in Body Temperature than Normal. In this Article we will cover the Causes, Mechanism of Fever, Fever Types, Algor Mortis.

Brief Overview of the Articles / Contents Table - 
1. Causes of Fever
2. Mechanism of Fever
3. Phases of Fever
4. Types of Fever
5. Algor Mortis

1. Low Pyrexia = 99° - 100° F

2. Moderate Pyrexia = 100° – 103° F

3. High Pyrexia = 103° - 105° F

4. Hyperthermia = Equal or More than 105° F

5. Hyper Pyrexia  >105° F

6. Euthermia = 98.6° F

7. Hypothermia  <95° F

8. Subnormal Temperature = 95 - 98° F

Causes of Fever –

When there is Some Infection or Inflammation , It causes Pyrogens to release in the body which causes Hypothalamus to increase the Body Temperature.

Phases of Fever –

1. Onset / Invasion –

A Period when body temperature rises Suddenly / Gradually

2. Fastigium /  Stadium –

A Period when body temp. reaches to maximum level and remain fairly constant.

3. Defervesence –

A Period when body  temp. returns to Normal.

It is of 2 types –

A. Crisis – Sudden Return to Normal.

·        True Crisis – Temp. returns to Normal and Patient’s Condition Improves.

·        False Crisis – Temp. returns to Normal and Patient’s Condition does not improve.

B. Lysis – Temp. returns in Zig-Zag manner in 2-3 Days / 1 Week with improvement in Patient’s Condition.

Types of Fever / Febrile Period –

1. Continuous / Constant Fever –

When Temp. Variation is not more than 2° C in between Morning and Evening Time and does not return normal up to 1 week.

e.g.- UTI, Lobar Pneumonia, Typhoid (Step Ladder Pattern)

2. Remittent Fever –

When Temp. variation is more than 2° in between morning and evening. Temperature does not return to normal up to 1 week.

e.g. Influenza, Brucellosis, Infective Endocarditis

3. Intermittent Fever –

When the temperature returns back to normal at regular intervals.

It is of 3 types –

A. Quotidian-

Fever occurs once in every Second Day (Periodicity – 24 Hours / 1 Day)

e.g. Plasmodium Knowlesi

B. Tertian

Fever occurs once in every Third Day (Periodicity – 48 Hours/ 2 Days)

e.g. P. Ovale (Benign Tertian), P. Vivax (Benign Tertian), P. Falciparum (Malignant Tertian)

C. Quartan

Fever occurs once in every Fourth Day (Periodicy – 72 Hours / 3 Days)

e.g. P. Malarie

4. Inverse Fever –

Highest Range of Temp. – In Morning

Lowest Range of Temp. – In Evening

e.g. Miliary Tuberculosis (T.B. Bacteria)


5. Hectic Fever / Swinging / Septic Fever –

When the temperature variation is very great (>5°C)

e.g. Septicemia (Infection in Blood)


6. Relapsing Fever-

A brief febrile period followed by one or more day Normal Temperature.

(Fever short Time → Normal Temperature → Fever → Normal Temperature)

Interval is not regular.

e.g. Borellia Infection


7. Pyrexia of Unknown Origin (PUO/FUO)-

Illness for at least 3 weeks duration with body temperature > 38°C and Diagnosis is not established after 1 week of Hospital Investigation.

8. Rigor-

Sudden Shivering attack followed by rise in body temperature.

e.g. Malaria

Stages of Rigor -

Cold (Shivering, Cold) → Hot (Hyperpyrexia, Thirst ↑) → Sweat (Perspiration, Body Temp.↓)

9. Algor Mortis

Reduction in body temperature after Death.

Site – Rectal (After Death)

Glaister Equation

Estimation of time of Death (H) = [98.6- Rectal Temp. (°F)] / 1.5

 After Death Temp. Decreases 1°F/Hour



Shivam Mandal

Shivam is currently working as a Nursing Officer in AIIMS. The Nursing Key is an Online Teaching Platform which provides access to Latest Vacancy News, Previous Year Paper, Practice Test Series and Image Based Questions related to Nursing.

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