Enema Types


Types of Enema

Broadly we can distribute the Enema into 2 Types

1.Evacuant Enema

2.Retained Enema

1. Evacuant enema-

In this types of enema . Solution is Expelled from body.

1. Simple Evacuant Enema-

It is used to treat Defecation/ Constipation.

A. Soap Jelly Enema – 50mL Jelly + 1 Litre Water

B. NS Enema – 1tsp. Salt + 500 mL Water (Best Physiologic Solution)

C. Tap Water – 500 mL


2. Oil Enema- 

It is used to soften Hard Fecal Material.

(Amount – 115- 175 Oil, Temp. = 100 F)

A. Olive Oil

B. Castor Oil + Olive Oil (1:1)

C. Sweet / Gingerly Oil (Sesame Oil)


3. Purgative Enema – All Solutions of Purgative enema are Irritant and Hygroscopic.

It is used to induce Peristalsis.

A. Pure Glycerine – 15-30 mL

B. Glycerine + Water – 1:2 Concentration

C. Mgso4 – 60-120 mL

D. 1-2-3 Enema (Mgso4 – glycerine – Water) (30:60:90 mL)

E. Glycerine + Castor Oil – 1:1 Concentration


4. Antihelminthic Enema

It is used to kill Intestinal Worms.

A. Infusion of Quassia = 15g + 600mL Water

B. Hypertonic Saline Solution = 6 % ( 6g Salt in 100 mL Water)


5. Carminitive Enema (Antispasmodic Enema )-  It is used to relieve Gaseous Distension.

A. Tincture of Turpentine = 8-16 mL + 600-1200 mL Soap Solution

B. Tincture of Asafoetidfa = 8-18 mL + 600-1200 mL Soap Solution

C. Milk + Molasses = 90-230 mL Both Mixed


6. Astringent Enema –

It is uses to relieve Intestinal Inflammation.

A. Tannic Acid – 2g + 600 mL Water

B. Alum – 30g + 600 mL Water

C. Silver Nitrate – 2%


7. Cold Enema –

It is uses to reduce Body Temperature.

Cold Enema = 80-90 F


2. Retained Enema -

1. Stimulant Enema – It is used in Shock / Collapse/ Opium Positiong

A. Black Coffee – 1tbsp. + 300 mL Water

B. Brandy – 15 mL + 120-180 mL Glucose Saline


2. Sedative Enema –

It is used to administer sedative Drugs.

  • ·         Potassium Bromide
  • ·         Chloral Hydrate
  • ·         Paraldehyde

3. Emollient Enema - 

It is used to relax and sooth the Intestinal Mucosa.

A. Opium = 1-2 mL + Starch Mucilage


4. Nutrient Enema –

  • NS
  • Glucose Normal Saline (GNS/ DNS)
  • Peptonized Milk ( Fat Free Milk)


5. Anaesthetic Enema –

Avertin = 150-300 mg/kg


6. Barium Enema –

Barium Sulphate (Baso4) = 2-3 Pint (1000 – 1500 mL)

(1 Pint = 500 mL)


7. Kayexalate Enema (Cation Exchange Resin)-

It is used to treat Hyperkalemia.

50 mL Resin of Sodium Polystyrene Sulphonate + 50 mL Sorbitol +150 mL Water

( Sodium Polystyrene is Known as Antidote of Potassium)


Methods of Enema –

1. Enema Can & Tube Method –

For Large Amount (e.g. Cleansing Enema)


2. Funnel & Catheter Method –

For Small Amount (e.g. oil)


3. Glycerine Syringe & Catheter Method –

Very Small – Glycerine Enema (Purgative Enema)


4. Drip Method – (Murphy Drip is used for Drip Method)

Slow Rate – Nutrient Enema

Shivam Mandal

Shivam is currently working as a Nursing Officer in AIIMS. The Nursing Key is an Online Teaching Platform which provides access to Latest Vacancy News, Previous Year Paper, Practice Test Series and Image Based Questions related to Nursing.

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