Pain Assessment | 5th Vital Sign | FON

 Pain Assessment | 5th Vital Sign | FON

Pain – Pain Is Known As The Unpleasant Sensory And Emotional Response.

Pain Is Of 2 Types –

1. Acute Pain

2. Chronic Pain

Pain Is Considered As The 5th Vital Signs Because Presence Of Pain In The Body Represents Any Abnormality. Pain Can Occur Due To Physical, Psychological And Emotional Causes.

It Is Very Essential To Measure And Document The Pain Because It Is Subjective Data. So There Are Various Tools/ Scales Present Which Help To Assess The Pain.

1. Wong Bakers Faces Pain Scale –

2. NRS (Numerical Rating Scale)-

3. Visual Analogue Scale - 

It consists of 10 cm Line (100 mm), and Subjects are asked to put themselves on the scale on the basis of the severity of the scale.
0 - 4 = No pain
4 - 44 = Mild Pain
44 - 74 = Mod. pain
74 - 100 = Severe pain

Shivam Mandal

Shivam is currently working as a Nursing Officer in AIIMS. The Nursing Key is an Online Teaching Platform which provides access to Latest Vacancy News, Previous Year Paper, Practice Test Series and Image Based Questions related to Nursing.

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