Temperature | Vital Signs - 1 | FON Notes | YouTube Class 3.1


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       Blood Pressure

       Pain Assessment – 5th Vital Sign


Balance between Heat Loss and Heat Production

  1. Heat Production (Thermogenesis) – (Posterior Hypothalamus)
  1. Oxidation Of Food

       1g Carbohydrate – 4 Kcal

       1g Protein– 4 kcal

       1g Fat – 9 Kcal

       SDA (Specific Dynamic Action of Food) –

       Carbohydrate – 5-6 %

       Protein – 30 %

       Fat – 4 %

       Mixed Diet – 12 %

       ThermoRegulatory Centre - hypothalamus

2. Heat Loss ( Thermolysis ) – (Anterior Hypothalamus)

  1. Through Skin
  2. Through Lungs – Exhaled Air
  3. Through Kidney - Urine
  4. Through GIT - Stool

Heat Loss Through Skin

  1. Radiation –

       60% Loss

       Indirect Contact

B. Evaporation –

       22% Loss

       Heat loss by Vapor

C. Convection

       Circulation of Air, Flow of Air, 15% Loss

       E.g. Cooler, Fan

D. Conduction –

       3 % Loss, Direct Contact

       E.g. Touching Hot or Cold Surfaces

General points about temperature

       TEMP. –

       High in evening

       Low in Morning

       Menstrual cycle : Temperature increases  1 °F  during ovulation.

Methods of temp. measurement

  1. Oral

       Place Thermometer Under Tongue for 2 Minutes

       Wait for 30 Minutes in case

       HOT / COLD Foods

       Chewing Gum



       Unconscious, Epilepsy, Mask

       Oral Sx, <6 Yr. Age

2. Rectal – 1 Degree Higher than Oral

       Sims position (Left Lateral Position)

       Lubricate Thermometr

       Insert in Rectum –

       Adult – 1.5”

       Child – 1”

       Time : 5 Minutes

       Used when Oral Not Possible

       Contraindications –

       Diarrhea, Dysentry, rectal Cancer, Sx, Prostate Sx, Hemorrhoids

       Heart Condition ( Can Stimulate Vagus)

       Hemophillia, Decreased Platelets

3. Axilla

       Ideal for Newborn & Children

       Place for 5 Minutes

       1 Degree Less than Oral

Temperature variations in diff. sites

       Axilla – 97.6 F / 36.4 C

       Oral – 98.6 F / 37 C

       Rectal – 99.6 F / 37.5 C

       Document +1 or -1 F


       1st Clinical Thermometr : Thomas Clifford Albert

       1st Thermometer : Gallilio Gallies

1. Mercury in glass thermometer

       Mercury (Hg) is used because-

       Highly Heat Sensitive

       Uniform Expansion

       Oral Thermometer : Bulb – Long, Cylindrical

       Rectal thermometer _ Bulb – Short , Thick

       If It breaks Then, Pick By Eye Dropper& Keep in plastic Zipped Bag, Then into 2nd Bag, Then in 3rd Bag then send to BMW Department.

       Marking Of Scale

       35 – 42 C / 94 – 108 F

       Direction of Cleaning (Low Infection to High Inf.)

       Before : Bulb to Stem (BBS)

       After : Stem to Bulb (ASB)

Disinfection –

       Dettol / Fairgenol : 1:40  = 5 Min.

       Savlon :                     1:20 = 5 Min.

       Lysol / Cresol :         1:40 = 3 Min.

2. Electronic thermometer

       Reading Time = less than 60 Seconds

       Safe, Convenient & Easy to Use

3. Tympanic Membrane Thermometer

       Detects Infra Red (IR) Radiation from Tympanic Membrane

       Reading Time = 2 Seconds

       Ideal fo Infant & Young Children

4. Disposable Paper Thermometer

       Liquid Crystal Chemical Dots

       Orally – 60 Seconds

       Axillary / Rectally – 3 Min.

5. Temporal artery thermometer

       Ideal for Infant

       Reading Time = 2 Seconds

6. Infra red thermometer

       Less than 5 Seconds




Shivam Mandal

Shivam is currently working as a Nursing Officer in AIIMS. The Nursing Key is an Online Teaching Platform which provides access to Latest Vacancy News, Previous Year Paper, Practice Test Series and Image Based Questions related to Nursing.

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