The Nursing Key ( has developed a set Question Papers for the Preparation Of Various Nursing Exams Being conducted in India Viz. AIIMS NORCET, ESIC STAFF NURSE EXAM, CHO VACCANCY. The Nursing Key has developed NORCET Mega Quiz.

Competitive Handbook of Nursing-VOL 2 (English)



1. The vaginal pH in reproductive period is
Option A 3 to 4 ki
Option B 4 to 5
Option C 5 to 6
Option D 6 to 7
Correct Option B

2. Life span of RBC is
Option A 90 days
Option B 100 days
Option C 110 days
Option D 120 days
Correct Option D

3. The strongest and largest bone of the face is
Option A Maxilla
Option B Frontal bone
Option C Mandible
Option D Occipital bone
Correct Option C

4. Which of this nerves passes through the foramen magnum
Option A Spinal nerve
Option B Vagus
Option C Accessory
Option D Hypoglosal
Correct Option C

5. The epithelial tissue which lines the urinary bladder is
Option A Columnar
Option B Stratified
Option C Squamous
Option D Transitional
Correct Option D

6. Which hormone is essential for milk production
Option A Thyroid
Option B ADH
Option C Oxytocin
Option D Prolactin
Correct Option D

7.In following which is not a function of the insulin
Option A Decreasing glycogenolysis
Option B Gluconeogenesis
Option C Lypogenesis
Option D Glycogenesis
Correct Option B

8. Sperms are produced by
Option A Prostate
Option B Seminiferous tubules
Option C Epididymis
Option D Penis
Correct Option B

9. Which structure of eye is helpful in changing the thickness of lens?
Option A Sclera
Option B Cornea
Option C Ciliary Body
Option D Iris
Correct Option C

10. The second heart sound 'dup' is heard due to
Option A Opening of the aortic and pulmonary valves
Option B Closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves
Option C Opening of the atrioventricular valves
Option D Closure of the atrioventricular valves
Correct Option B

11. The Organism responsible for Filaria
Option A Entamoeba histolytica
Option B Anopheles mosquito
Option C Wucheriria Bancrofti
Option D Taeniasaginata
Correct Option C

12. The polio virus enters in the body by
Option A Ingestion
Option B Sexual contact
Option C Inocculation
Option D All of the above
Correct Option A

13. Complete destruction of all microorganisms is effected by the use of
Option A Antiseptic
Option B Sterilant
Option C Disinfectant
Option D Detergent
Correct Option C

14. In following which is a gram positive bacilli
Option A Corynebacterium
Option B Proteus
Option C Pseudomonas
Option D E. coli
Correct Option A

15. Endoscope is sterilized by
Option A Autoclaving
Option B U. V. Rays
Option C 2% phenol
Option D 2% gluteraldehyde
Correct Option D

16. Smith's test is used to detect
Option A Bile pigment
Option B Acetone
Option C Bile salt
Option D Albumin
Correct Option A

17. The term gavage indicates
Option A Administration of a liquid feeding into the stomach
Option B Visual examination of the stomach
Option C Irrigation of the stomach with a solution
Option D A surgical opening through the abdomen to the stomach
Correct Option A

18. Prolong suctioning of the tracheostomy may cause
Option A Myocarditis and endocarditis
Option B Hypoxia and cardiac arrest
Option C Nausea and vomiting
Option D Anorexia
Correct Option B

19.  In hospital, non infectious wastes should be discarded in
Option A Red colored bag
Option B Blue colored bag
Option C Black colored bag
Option D Yellow colored bag
Correct Option C

20. Low level of oxygen in the blood is known as
Option A Cyanosis
Option B Anoxemia
Option C Hypoxia
Option D Hypoxemia
Correct Option D

21. Hyperpyrexia is
Option A 1070 F
Option B 1050 F
Option C 1030 F
Option D 1010 F
Correct Option B

22. Infusion of 500 ml normal saline over 6 hours requires how many drops per minute
when the drop factor is 15 drops per minute?
Option A 23 drops/min
Option B 21 drops/min
Option C 17 drops/min
Option D 15 drops/min
Correct Option B

23. Color of nitrous oxide cylinder is
Option A Red
Option B French Blue
Option C Black with white shoulders
Option D Black
Correct Option B

24. A Foleys catheter operates by the principal of
Option A Osmosis
Option B Diffusion
Option C Gravity
Option D None of this
Correct Option C

25. Ringer lactate is contraindicated in
Option A Diarrhoea
Option B Lactic acidosis
Option C Burns
Option D Hypovolemia
Correct Option B

26. Gradual decrease of the body's temperature is known as
Option A Livor mortis
Option B Algor mortis
Option C Rigor mortis
Option D None of the above
Correct Option B

27. Atropine sulphate act as a
Option A Antihypertensive agent
Option B Anticonvulsant drug
Option C Miotic drug
Option D Midriatic drug
Correct Option D

28. During haemodialysis which of the following drug is used to prevent blood clotting?
Option A Protamin
Option B Heparin
Option C Warfarin
Option D Aspirin
Correct Option B

29. Which of the following is not excreted in breast milk?
Option A Zinc
Option B Phosphorus
Option C Iron
Option D Calcium
Correct Option C

30.Which prostaglandin helps in cervical ripening?
Option A PGE1
Option B PGE2
Option C PGF2
Option D PGI2
Correct Option B

31. The condition in which the bleeding is so irregular and excessive that the menses
cannot be identified is known as
Option A Menorrhagia
Option B Metrorrhagia
Option C Polymenorrhoea
Option D Menometrorrhagia
Correct Option D

32. Robert sign is found in
Option A Placenta previa
Option B Abruptio placenta
Option C IUFD
Option D Hydatidiform mole
Correct Option C

33. Internal rotation of the fetal head occurs during labor at
Option A Inlet
Option B Cavity
Option C Outlet
Option D Midpelvis
Correct Option C

34. Fertilization of two ova released in different menstrual cycle is known as
Option A Superfetation
Option B Superfecundation
Option C Fetus papyraceous
Option D None of the above
Correct Option A

35. During face presentation attitude of the head will be
Option A Partial extension
Option B Deflexion
Option C Complete extension
Option D Flexion
Correct Option C

36. What is the full form of HELP syndrome?
Option A Haemoglobinuria, elevated leucocytes and low platelet level
Option B Haemolysis, elevated lymphocytes and low platelet level
Option C Haemolysis, elevated lipase enzyme and low platelet level
Option D Haemolysis, elevated liver enzyme and low platelet level
Correct Option D

37. What is the antidote of magnesium sulphate?
Option A Protamin sulphate
Option B Calcium gluconate
Option C Calcium carbonate
Option D Sodium bicarbonate
Correct Option B

38. A suspected pregnancy is confirmed by the presence of HCG in urine or serum after
how many days of missed period?
Option A At least 8 days
Option B At least 12 days
Option C At least 14 days
Option D At least 21 days
Correct Option A

39. During delivery, on vaginal examination, palpation of fetal blood vessels lies in front
of the fetal presenting part through intact membrane is known as
Option A Cord prolapsed
Option B Cord presentation
Option C Placenta previa
Option D Vasa previa
Correct Option D

40. A nurse is caring for a client who has spontaneous abortion. For what complication
the nurse should assess
Option A Haemorrhage
Option B Dehydration
Option C Subinvolution
Option D Hypertension
Correct Option A

41. The condition in which leading edge of the uterine prolapse extends from 1 cm above
to 1 cm below the hymenal ring is staged as
Option A Stage I
Option B Stage II
Option C Stage III
Option D Stage IV
Correct Option B

42. For delivery of the aftercoming head in breech presentation, specially designed
forceps is used
Option A Das's forceps
Option B Piper forceps
Option C Kielland's forceps
Option D Wrigley's forceps
Correct Option B

43. The level of immunity that is present in a population against an infectious agent is
known as
Option A Innate immunity
Option B Acquired immunity
Option C Passive immunity
Option D Herd immunity
Correct Option D

44. The rashes of the chicken pox first appear on
Option A Legs
Option B Arm
Option C Chest
Option D Trunk
Correct Option D

45. The full form of AEFI
Option A Adverse effect following injection
Option B Adverse events following Immunization
Option C Adverse effects following immunization
Option D Adverse events following injection
Correct Option B

Shivam Mandal

Shivam is currently working as a Nursing Officer in AIIMS. The Nursing Key is an Online Teaching Platform which provides access to Latest Vacancy News, Previous Year Paper, Practice Test Series and Image Based Questions related to Nursing.

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