Foleys Catheterisation | Skill 2 | Clinical Nursing

 Foleys Catheterisation

Catheterisation is insertion of a Sterile Hollow Tube in the Bladder through Urethra to excrete Urine.

1. To empty the Bladder ( In case of Pre Op or Post Op Patient , Inability to pass Urine, Unconscious Patient)
2. Obtain Sterile Sample
3. Measure Urine Output Accurately

Types of Urinary catheterisation-
1. Intermittent-
Used for Short Period (5-10 Min.)
e.g. K-90

2. Retention/ Indwelling-
Foleys Catheter - 14 Days
Silicon Catheter - 60 -90 Days

3. Suprapubic Catheterisation-
Insertion of catheter in Bladder through pubic Area by making and Incision.
It is used for Continuous Drainage
e.g. Malecot Catheter ( Nipple Size) , Mushroom Tip Catheter

Size Of Foleys Catheter-
Children - 8-10 Fr
Adult Female - 14- 16 Fr
Adult Male - 18-22 Fr

Articles Needed for Catheterisation-
1. Sterile Gloves
2. Sterile Water- For Balloon Inflation
3. Single USe Lubricant - Lignocaine Jelly 2%
4. catheter
5. catheter Bag
6. WAterproof pad

Catheterisation Procedure -
Preparatoion -
1. Explain the Procedure to The Patient
2. Try to solve and answer Client's Queries
3. Provide Privacy
4. Proper Positioning - For Male- Supine & For Female - Dorsal Recumbent
5. Place a Disposable pad Under Patient's Buttocks
6. Perform hand HYgiene and WEar Sterile Gloves
7. Remember It is a Sterile Procedure

In Male-
1. Prepare the Glans penis and Urethral Meatus using a Sterile technique (from centre to outward)
2. The penis is held using the NonDominant Hand
3. The Catheter is inserted in the Uretheral Meatus with the Dominant Hand until the Y OF the catheter is at the URethral Meatus
4. The Return of Urine in the attached Bag is a sign of Correct Placement into the bladder.
5. The catheter Balloon is then inflated using Sterile Water (5-30 ML)
Fix the cathter  (Upper Inner Thigh)

In Female -
1. In women use the Non Dominant Hand to expose the urethral Meatus by Separating the labia AND prepare the meatus with an Antiseptic Solution ( front to back 3 times).
2. Catheter Tip is inserted in the meatus until there is a spontaneous return of urine.

1. Blood at the Meatus
2. Gross Hematuria
3. Evidence of urethral Infection
4. urethral pain or Discomfort
5. Patient Refusal

Shivam Mandal

Shivam is currently working as a Nursing Officer in AIIMS. The Nursing Key is an Online Teaching Platform which provides access to Latest Vacancy News, Previous Year Paper, Practice Test Series and Image Based Questions related to Nursing.

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