The Nursing Key ( has developed a set Question Papers for the Preparation Of Various Nursing Exams Being conducted in India Viz. AIIMS NORCET, ESIC STAFF NURSE EXAM, CHO VACCANCY. The Nursing Key has developed NORCET Mega Quiz.

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Q.01 the foremost important Nurse Responsibility in reference to Intravenous Drug
Administration is-
A. Controlling the flow rate
B. Checking the prescription chart
C. Checking and maintaining patency of the vascular access device
D. Knowing the therapeutic use of drug

Q.02 The legal responsibilities of a Nurse includes-
A. Protect the patients' rights
B. Keep legal records safety
C. Legal documentation
D. Both (1) and (2)

Q.03 The failure of execs to supply proper care and competent care to patient
A. Negligence
B. Dissemination
C. Parole
D. Malpractice

Q.04 this is often one among the most typical Condition related to a high risk of suicide
A. Drug and Alcohol abuse
B. Schizophrenia
C. Major depression
D. Mania

Q.05 it's leading explanation for death in Infants and Young children-
A. Pneumonia
B. Congenital anomalies
C. Diarrheal infection
D. Communicable diseases

Q.06 Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness (IMNCI) developed

Q.07 DPT and DT vaccine should be stored between-
A. 4-8 degree Celsius
B. 4-6 degree Celsius
C. 6-8 degree Celsius
D. 4-10 degree Celsius

Q.08 The true contraindications of breast feeding are-
A. HIV and Lithium therapy
B. Cystic fibrosis and Galactosemia
C. Galactosemia and Phenylketonuria
D. Cystic fibrosis and Galactosemia

Q.09 The Nursing management of youngsters with Congestive Cardiac Failure is-
A. Bed rest in propped up position (45 degree)
B. Oxygen Therapy
C. Restricting Activities
D. All the above

Q.10 one among the foremost important precautions in Thalassemia-
A. Antenatal screening
B. Early blood examination
C. Fetoscopy
D. Genetic Counselling

Q.11 The most important Etiological factors of Cerebral Palsy includes-
A. Low birth weight and Congenital malformation of Central systema nervosum 
B. Perinatal Hypoxia and Kernicterus
C. Birth trauma and Intraventricular Hemorrhage
D. Birth Asphyxia and Birth trauma

Q.12 Which of the subsequent isn't a symbol and symptom of shock.?
A. Casualty complaints of thirst
B. Blurring of vision, Fainting and Giddiness
C. Face and lips becomes pale, Restlessness and Unconsciousness
D. Pulse becomes slower and stronger

Q.13 Which of the subsequent Checks of the casualty is give the primary priority.
A. Pulse and Respiration
B. Bleeding
C. Airway and Breathing
D. Unconsciousness

Q.14 Preventive method of thick me conium stained liquor is-
A. Oropharyngeal suction before delivery
B. Oropharyngeal suction after delivery
C. Oropharyngeal suction during delivery
D. Nasal suctioning before and after delivery

Q.15 the rationale for increased oral feeds for brand spanking new born in Physiological Jaundice-
A. To enhance bilirubin excretion
B. To enhance bilirubin production
C. To enhance bilirubin absorption
D. To enhance bilirubin exchange

Q.16 it's one among the main public ill health in India-
A. Malnutrition
B. Diarrhea
C. Communicable Diseases
D. Respiratory infection

Q.17 The management of Intra Cranial Pressure (ICP) in Head injury includes-
A. Prevention and treatment of convulsion
B. Prevention and treatment of fever
C. Assessment of Glasgow coma Scale
D. Slight head position and controlled hyperventilation

Q.18 the first prevention of retardation includes-
A. Early detection
B. Psychiatric treatment
C. Hormone replacement therapy
D. Genetic counselling

Q.19 Dysfunction Uterine bleeding means-
A. Excess or irregular Uterine bleeding
B. Excess of Uterine bleeding
C. Irregular of Uterine bleeding
D. Excess flow of Uterine bleeding for long period

Q.20 Euthanasia means-
A. Bad death
B. Good death
D. Advocacy

Q.21 A nurse who is susceptible to her course of action is termed as-
A. Responsible
B. Competent
C. Accountable
D. Autonomy

Q.22 it's a group of collective statement a few group's expectations and standard of
A. Personal code of ethics
B. Professional code of ethics
C. The ICN code of ethics
D. Elements of the code

Q.23 LAMA stands for-
A. Left Against Medical Advice
B. Limited Access to Medical Advice
C. Leave Application for Medical Advice
D. None of the above

Q.24 Child health is greatly depending upon-
A. Maternal health
B. Family health
C. Socio economic status
D. Individual health

Q.25 It is the single most important determinant of the changes of the survival and
healthy development of children-
A. Infections
B. Low birth weight
C. Malnutrition
D. Poverty

Q.26 it's a specialized area of kid health-
A. Promotive pediatrics
B. Social pediatrics
C. Environmental pediatrics
D. Preventive pediatrics

Q.27 It refers to individual self Determination and freedom of choice is-
A. Informed consent
B. Veracity
C. Autonomy
D. Respect

Q.28 Priorities are set based upon-
A. Clients condition
B. Nurses condition
C. Hospital condition
D. Family condition

Q.29 Which of the subsequent skill is required for physical examination.?
A. Intact senses
B. Objectivity
C. Communication
D. All of the above

Q.30 Never palpate both carotid and symmetrical pulse at same time because-
A. Excessive pressure may obstruct blood flow to the brain
B. Excessive pressure may obstruct blood flow to the lungs
C. Excessive pressure may obstruct blood flow to the guts 
D. Excessive pressure may obstruct blood flow to the superior venacava

Q.31 An indicator of fluid balance-
A. Urea
B. Hemoglobin
C. Sodium
D. Nitrogen

Q.32 it's a occupation of ethical components, devoted for the promotion of human
and social welfare-
B. Ethics
C. Philosophy
D. Profession

Q.33 The target of millennium Development Goals in India is-
A. Reduce infectious disease
B. Improve nutrition
C. Increase standard of living
D. Eradicate extreme poverty

Q.34 Inhalation of cotton fiber dust over long period of your time is understood as-
A. Bagassosis
B. Farmers lung
C. Byssinosis
D. Arsenic lung

Q.35 The side effects of sublingual Nitro-glycerin are-
A. Headache, hypertension, cyanosis
B. Headache, hypotension, tachycardia
C. Headache, cyanosis, bradycardia
D. Headache, cyanosis, tachycardia

Q.36 Hypoxia means-
A. Lack of oxygen in tissues
B. Lack of oxygen in blood
C. Lack of oxygen in skin
D. Lack of oxygen in capillaries

Q.37 Clinical sign of death-
A. Slow respiration
B. Weak pulse
C. Stiffening of the body
D. Dilated pupil

Q.38 The most important technique in preventing and controlling transmission of
pathogens is-
A. Cleaning equipment
B. Utilizing gloves
C. Hand washing
D. Wearing mask

Q.39 The normal amount of oxygen in the arterial blood should be in the range of-
A. 80 - 100 mm of Hg
B. 80 - 95 mm of Hg
C. 90 - 100 mm of Hg
D. 75 - 95 mm of Hg

Q.40 The type of restrains to prevent the patient pulling a catheter, iv lines and Hair
A. Elbow
B. Mitten
C. Clove hitch
D. Bootis

Q.41 The flow rate (drops/mt) of 800 ml Ringer lactate solution for 10 Hours
transfusion through macro drip set-
A. 30 drops/mt
B. 25 drops/mt
C. 20 drops/mt
D. 35 drops/mt

Q.42 Dengue infection is caused by-
A. Artho virus
B. Aedes aegypti virus
C. Para-Mixo virus
D. RNA virus

Q.43 One of the diagnostic test for Tuberculosis-
A. Mantoux test
B. Blood culture
C. Complete blood test
D. Widal test

Q.44 The aim of Advance Life Support is-
A. To enhance the tidal volume of lungs
B. To restore the function of brain
C. To restore spontaneous heart beat and respiration
D. To improve the breathing and circulation

Q.45 One of the Spacing Barrier Contraceptive Method-
A. Intrauterine device
B. Vasectomy
C. Tubectomy
D. Condoms

Q.46 The life span of RBCs-
A. 120 days
B. 80 days
C. 110 days
D. 125 days

Q.47 One of the symptoms and sign of meningeal irritation
A. Fever
B. Neck stiffness
C. Convulsion
D. Pain

Q.48 The initial assessment of New born is-
A. Transitional assessment
B. Apgar score assessment
C. Ongoing assessment
D. Clinical assessment

Shivam Mandal

Shivam is currently working as a Nursing Officer in AIIMS. The Nursing Key is an Online Teaching Platform which provides access to Latest Vacancy News, Previous Year Paper, Practice Test Series and Image Based Questions related to Nursing.

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