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CPR and defibrillation should be initiated in which kind of arrhythmia?

1. Premature ventricular contraction

2. Atrial fibrillation

3. Ventricular fibrillation

4. Atrioventricular block

Correct Answer :-

Ventricular fibrillation


Prophylactic administration of vitamin A in children is _______.

1. Specific protection

2. Rehabilitation

3. Health promotion

4. Early detection and treatment

Correct Answer :-

Specific protection


The information in the form of an idea, thought, attitude, feeling is:-


1. Noise

2. Channel

3. Sender

4. Message

Correct Answer :-



Organism causing gas gangrene is:-

1. Clostridium Tetani

2. Clostridium Perfringens

3. Clostridium Hystolyticum

4. Clostridium Novyi

Correct Answer :-

Clostridium Perfringens


Direct visualization of Gastrointestinal system by means of a lighted flexible tube

1. Endoscopy

2. Cystoscopy

3. Bronchoscopy

4. Hysteroscopy

Correct Answer :-



The following position is used to relieve dyspnoea in a patient:-

1. Trendelenburg's

2. Supine

3. Fowler's

4. Prone

Correct Answer :-




Which of the heart disease is Cyanotic heart disease?

1. Tetralogy of fallot

2. Patient ductus arteriosus

3. Atrial septal defect

4. Ventricular septal defect

Correct Answer :-

Tetralogy of fallot

Composition of blood transfused to hemophilia patient is:-

1. Plasma

2. Packed cells

3. Cryoprecipitate

4. Platelets

Correct Answer :-



An opening of surgical wound edges is called:-

1. Wound Evisceration

2. Wound Rupture

3. Wound Approximation

4. Wound Dehiscence

Correct Answer :-

Wound Dehiscence

One basic health worker (multipurpose worker) for 10000 population was recommended by:-

1. Chadha committee

2. Mukherjee committee

3. Bhore committee

4. Mudaliar committee

Correct Answer :-

Chadha committee


The caste system is a:-

1. Religious institution

2. Political institution

3. Social institution

4. Economic institution

Correct Answer :-

Social institution


Distension of renal pelvis caused by obstruction to normal urine flow:-

1. Renal failure

2. Renal calculi

3. Hydronephrosis

4. Polycystic kidney

Correct Answer :-



What care has to be taken by a patient after mastectomy?

1. Take BP on that hand

2. Eating lots of dairy products

3. DO gardening

4. Avoid strenous activity

Correct Answer :-

Avoid strenous activity

Genes work in:-

1. Trait

2. Pairs

3. Group

4. Single

Correct Answer :-


Farmers lung is manifested due to:-

1. Cotton fibres

2. Pollen

3. Lead particles

4. Grain dust

Correct Answer :-

Grain dust


Physiological response to heat application is:-

1. Vasoconstriction

2. Vasodilation

3. Shivering

4. Local anaesthesia

Correct Answer :-



Which is the longest vein in the human body?

1. Great saphenous

2. Popliteal

3. Iliac

4. Femoral

Correct Answer :-

Great saphenous


Which is a primary group?

1. Family

2. Labourers

3. Social workers

4. Student group

Correct Answer :-


The most important need for the new born immediately after birth-
A. To provide warmth
B. To maintain circulation
C. To clear air way
D. To initiate breast feeding

Diarrhea is more common in-
A. Lack of breast feeding
B. Artificial feeding
C. Incorrect infant feeding
D. Early weaning

One of the biological factor which may cause mental disorder.?
A. Brain damage
B. Poverty
C. Abnormal parent child relationship
D. Alcoholism

The electoral college that elect the Vice-President of India consists of-
A. Members of Rajya Sabha only
B. Elected members of both Houses of Parliament
C. Members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
D. Members of Rajya Sabha and the Legislative Assemblies

The MMR vaccine is administered at the age-
A. 6 months
B. 9 months
C. 12 months
D. 15 months

The solution used to detect sugar in urine-
A. Liquor Ammonia
B. Nitric acid
C. Benedict's Reagent
D. Sodium nitroprusside

Which of the following is a permanent method of sterilization.?
A. Lippies loop
B. Copper T
C. Tubectomy
D. Condom

The name given to the endometrium during pregnancy-
A. Endoderm
B. Mesoderm
C. Ectoderm
D. Decidua

The fertilized ovum divides into a cluster of cells known as-
A. Blastocyst
B. Morula
C. Blastocele
D. Inner cell mass

The widest transverse diameter of the fetal skull passes the pelvic brim is termed
A. Lie
B. Presentation
C. Engagement
D. Position

A 17-year-old receives whole body radiation as part of a preparatory regimen for
bone marrow transplantation Which of the following cells and tissues in the body is
most likely to remain unaltered by the effects of this therapeutic radiation?
A. Neurons of cerebral cortex
B. Erythropoietic cells of bone marrow
C. Small intestinal epithelium
D. Spermatogonia of testicular tubules

The most important function of forceps-
A. Compression
B. Traction
C. Rotation of head
D. Grasping of fetal head

An arterial thromboembolic is most likely to produce a hemorrhagic infarct in
which organ?
A. Kidney
B. Liver
C. Lungs
D. Bone

Amniotic fluid contains acetylcholine esterase enzymes, what is the diagnosis?
A. Osteogenesis imperfecta
B. Gastroschisis
C. Omphalocele
D. Open spina bifida

A case of 35 weeks pregnancy with polyhydramnios and marked respiratory
distress is managed by-
A. Amniocentesis
B. Saline infusion
C. IV furosemide

HLA B27 is associated with-
The following are contraindications of trial labor except.
A. Elderly primi
B. Post maturity
C. Mal presentation
D. 1st degree CPD

Rupture of membranes is said to be premature when it occurs at-
A. 38 weeks of pregnancy
B. 32 weeks of pregnancy
C. Prior to 1st stage of labor
D. 2nd stage of labor

Neural tube defects can be prevented by-
A. Supplementation with Vitamin B complex
B. Supplementation with hydantoin
C. Maternal folate supplementation
D. Prophylaxis with valproic acid

What is the commonest cause for neonatal mortality in India.?
A. Congenital anomalies
B. Birth asphyxia
C. Sepsis
D. Prematurity

Anterior interosseous nerve supplies-
A. Flexor pollicis longus
B. Abductor pollicis longus
C. Flexor pollicis brevis
D. Flexor carpi radialis

A condition characterized by a prolonged PR interval more than 0.2 secs in ECG
is called-
A. Second degree AV block
B. Mobiz type II AV block
C. First degree AV block
D. Complete block

Earliest symptom of carcinoma vocal cord is-
A. Hoarseness
B. Stridor
C. Pain
D. Dysphagia

Culture media sterilized by-
A. Autoclave
B. Hot air oven
C. Ethylene oxide
D. Gluteraldehyde

Korsakoff's psychosis is due to intake of-
A. Cannabis
B. Opium
C. Amphetamine
D. Alcohol

Which of the following is not a use of dexamethasone.?
A. Nephrotic syndrome
B. Addison's disease
C. Cushing's disease
D. Hodgkin's lymphoma

Peptic ulcer of the esophagus is also called as-
A. Barrett's ulcer
B. Reiter's syndrome
C. Reflux esophagitis
D. Achalasis

Shivam Mandal

Shivam is currently working as a Nursing Officer in AIIMS. The Nursing Key is an Online Teaching Platform which provides access to Latest Vacancy News, Previous Year Paper, Practice Test Series and Image Based Questions related to Nursing.

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