Metabolic Acidosis and Alkalosis Handmade Notes
These both Acid Base Imbalances are affected by Kidney and Metabolic Activities going on in the body.
Normal pH of The Blood is 7.35-7.45, <7.35 denotes Acidosis and >7.45 denotes Alkalosis.
1. Metabolic Acidosis -
Increase in Hydrogen ion due to abnormal Metabolic Processes.
Etiology -
A. DM / DKA - In DM there is less availability of Insulin to the body. So there is less transfer of Glucose from Blood to Cell. Cells now start using the Fat stores present in the body. Oxidation of fats results in development of Ketone Bodies, These Ketone Bodies are Acidic in Nature, it result in Metabolic Alkalosis.
B. High Fat Diet
C. Insufficient Metabolism of Carbohydrate
D. Malnutrition and Starvation
E. Excess Ingestion of Aspirin ( Acetyl Salicylic Acid )
F. Severe Diarrhea / Suctioning of Intestine ( Loss of Basisc Contents )
Clinical Manifestation -
A. Kussmaul's Respiration
B. Hyperkalemia
Management -
Correct the Cause
Injection Sodium Bi arbonate NaHCO3 can be given to correct Acidosis
2. Metabolic Alkalosis -
Decrease in Hydrogen Ions due to Abnormal Metabolic Processes
EtiologyA. Massive Blood Transfusion ( CDPA - Citrate, Dextrose, Phosphate, Adenine) - Citrate is Alkaline in NatureB. Antacid UseC. Loss of Stomach Fluids, Gastric Lavage, VomitingD. DiureticsE. HyperaldosteronismF. Excessive Infusion of NaHCO3
Clinical Manifestation -A. HypoventilationB. HypokalemiaC. Hypocalcemia
Management -Correct the Cause